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200th ANNIVERSARY AND REDEDICATION CEREMONY Saturday, 4th February 2023 Panmure Hall, 19 Hill Street, Arbroath RECEPTION The Lodge will we Opened in the First Degree Reception of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire, headed by the Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Peter Taylor Reception of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, head by the Depute Grand Master, Bro. William H. Gauld The Master of Lodge Panmure 299, Bro. William Ford, will present the Emblem Of Authority to the Depute Grand Master, Bro. William H. Gauld, CEREMONY OF REDEDICATION The Depute Grand Master will announce the purpose of the Meeting. Opening praise 23rd Psalm – The Lord’s my shepherd. Tune: Crimond The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want. He makes me down to lie. In pastures green; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill. For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still My soul He doth restore again, And me to walk doth make. Within the paths of righteousness, E’en for His own name’s sake. Goodness and mercy all my life. Shall surely follow me, And in God’s house forevermore My dwelling-place shall be. Scripture Reading by the Acting Grand Chaplain. 2nd Chronicles, Chapter 6, verse 12 and verses 14- 21 or 1st Kings, Chapter 8, verses 22-30 ACT OF REDEDICATION The Depute Grand Master will announce the singing of Psalm 122. Tune: Amazing Grace Pray that Jerusalem may have Peace and felicity: Let them that love thee and thy peace Have still prosperity. Therefore I wish that peace may still Within thy walls remain, And ever may thy palaces Prosperity retain. Now, for my friends' and brethren’s sake, Peace be in thee, I’ll say; And for the house of God our Lord I’ll seek thy good alway. Obligation The Three-fold Blessing The Brethren sing: Paraphrase 18, (Isaiah 2: 2-5). Tune: Glasgow Behold! the mountain of the Lord in latter days shall rise on mountain tops above the hills, and draw the wondering eyes. To this the joyful nations round, all tribes and tongues, shall flow; up to the hill of God, they'll say, and to his house we'll go. Blessing from the South The Brethren will sing Paraphrase 18, verse 3 and 4. Tune: Glasgow The beam that shines from Zion hill shall lighten every land; the King who reigns in Salem's towers shall all the world command. Among the nations he shall judge; his judgements truth shall guide; his sceptre shall protect the just, and quell the sinner’s pride. Blessing from the West The Brethren will sing Paraphrase 18, verse 5 and 6. Tune: Glasgow No strife shall rage, nor hostile feuds disturb those peaceful years; to ploughshares men shall beat their swords, to pruning-hooks their spears. No longer hosts, encountering hosts, shall crowds of slain deplore: they hang the trumpet in the hall, and study war no more. Blessing from the East
Rededication of Regalia
Address by the Depute Grand Master
A brief History of the Lodge by Bro. James Macleerie, P.M. The Depute Grand Master will announce let us unite together in the singing of Paraphrase 2. Tune: Salzburg O God of Bethel, by whose hand thy people still are fed, who through this weary pilgrimage hast all our fathers led; Our vows, our prayers, we now present before thy throne of grace; God of our fathers, be the God of their succeeding race.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Brethren sign: Tune: Salzburg Such blessings from thy gracious hand our humble prayers implore, and thou shalt be our chosen God and portion evermore Benediction The Lord bless thee, and keep thee The Lord make his face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. The Depute Grand Master will return the Emblem of Authority to the Master and sit on the immediate right of the Master. The Master will thank the Provincial Grand Master. Collection for Benevolent Funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire. The Grand Director of Ceremonies will announce the retiral of the Depute Grand Master and Office Bearers and will request the Master to ask his Brethren to be upstanding while the Deputation retires. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies will announce the retiral of the Provincial Grand Master and Office Bearers and will request the Master to ask his Brethren to be upstanding while the Deputation retires. The Lodge will be closed in Due and Antient form. |